p.o. box 391, hoolehua, HI 96729, US

Aloha from Anahaki Farms • Molokai

My Sister's Tea

Anahaki produces a variety of crops and creates these special teas. 

We make bags for single serving and one gallon brews.

Mamaki Tea

The seeds of the native māmaki `ula`ula variety we grow on our farm originated from the upland rainforest of Molokai. A plant culturally venerated and respected in Hawaii, the tea offers a glimpse to the past soothing, and yet traditional in nature.

Lemon Grass Tea –“Wapine”

“Wapine” is a common medicinal and culinary plant found throughout the Hawaiian Islands. The “pulapula” (off spring) is used for planting material. The tea tastes lemony, is mild and easy to drink.

Mamaki and Lemon Grass Tea

Incorporating the two special teas, we offer a high quality tasting and value added therapeutic tea.

Mamaki and Lemon Grass Tea Blend

Our most popular tea is fused together with other herbs and spices to create a refreshing tasting blend suitable for drinking any time of the day.